Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Archives...Actually, Yes, We Do.

We want to be better, but this is becoming harder for us than anticipated, which, all things pretty fucking hard - to do it almost all alone...makes it even harder. Thank god we have each other. All we have to say today is #FML...we're glad everyone thinks we're amusing. Today we, however, do not. 

Thank goodness for us being on this side of the computer, and you being on that side.

We got a customer service complaint today, for simply the way we said "next" and because we were not smiling. 

The "manager" says that  "That's part of customer service. Customer service is smiling and being genuine" (meanwhile, can you believe they make us work in customer service?) To which we exclaimed tearfully, yeah, we cry, fuck off; "But if we are not happy and we can't smile, then that's not being genuine, is it? It's asking us to be something we are not". He didn't say anything as we shooed him away with our hand and he walked out the door of this god forsaken room with the fucking pale peach, and dark peach, coloured walls.
Archives....nothing new to write about today. The reason for our spiral...don't know, woke up one person...sitting here writing as another. We can only thank goodness for this blog, and Twitter...where we go to figure out who's been around, while we try to figure out who is around in general. Welcome to's all ours.

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware. Some posts cover information about Us and our life with Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder. This is part of writing therapy and an attempt to raise awareness and reach out to others who deal with this in their life. If you have not read us thus far, you will be confused, perhaps angry. You may discount this as bull shit. We don’t blame you. You don’t have to keep reading. If you continue on, however, you might want to check out the story of our life, to give you context on why we are who, and “what” we are: 

Read stories of our life; WHY we are:
Addressing The Issue of Frank: The Origins, History and Life Story of Frank, from "Just Call Me Frank: One Womans Endeavour At Being Frank"  (also contains our artwork and photography)

There is also other stuff to read, if you are not comfortable reading the DID content.....

And these #oldiebutgoodies from around here

Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder
Frank Gets Candid (yesterdays)
**We Freak Out
A Note From Frank, and ONLY Frank (actually not written by Frank)





Evil of Three: A Painting

there are literally countless things to read about here, some relevant, some not.

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