Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Back In America

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We're back in America.

Arriving at about 4:30am GMT we obviously didn't have time to write a blog post, and the last two days in an airport hotel outside of Heathrow, as inspiring to write as it should be, just wasn't.

Let's just say that when we get back on that plane on August 3, we'll be packing differently, at least. And we'll be better prepared for the trip than we were this time. We'll also likely be gone longer, and as of right now all we know is that we can't be in Canada, Mexico or the United States...but we have the rest of the world to choose from.

We do not recommend dating a foreigner if you don't like the idea of being separated from each other for long periods of time, and are not presented with a position where you can freely travel together...even then. It's a giant pain in the ass. More to come on that...

Would we do it again? He's worth it for most of us, even though, like with any relationship...there are always issues to work through. These are just relationship strength building experiences...


So many things ran through our mind on the plane rides we took to get us back to our homeland, all that time away from the computer and Twitter...mental spark flew, especially the more tired we got. Hopefully once we get settled back into life in The Mother's basement we'll be able to conjure them up again and put them to blog paper.

We watched a couple of movies on the plane. We recommend them. They were pretty cool.

Try out Young Adult, starring Charlize Theron, a story about an author battling depression and disappointment with her life, as well as some other clearly sociopathic issues. The synopsis on Internet Movie Database doesn't give it justice. That's the lovely part about being stuck on a plane for over eight hours with the same things on the TV over and over...you watch things you probably wouldn't have.

Also try out, It's Kind of a Funny Story. This one we've been holding on to, digitally, for months and months. But with minimal options on the plane we decided it was time. It's a really good, honest movie starring Zach Halifianakis, and an amazing cast of characters including a young British actor called Keir Gilchrst, the protagonist of the film. Also the message is one that all people should acknowledge, if even with a roll of the eyes.

If you end up watching either of these movies we'd love for you to come back here and comment on them, particularly the last one.

We'll we've got things to do. Like go get another drivers license. And get groceries (we don't eat much of moms food), and plan our trip to Chicago for the week of the 21st...where we will be starting to look at real estate, and James has never been outside of a three hour radius of the city we've landed him in, The Mother's basement adjacent. And then...everything else.

We're feeling really good today, mentally, despite not feeling that way after we landed last night. Things go up, things go down. We strap ourselves in everyday for the roller coaster that is life.

Throw your hands in the air and scream.

~ Frank et al

OH! And it's Mental Health Month, so check out some of the stuff here on the blog regarding that, and we'll be publishing another story submitted from other people soon. You should join in the Blogging For Mental Health!

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