Friday, November 7, 2014

The Social Media Research Assignment

So this week the survey for the biggest paper for the semester was deployed via social media - Thursday night on Facebook and Google+, and Friday night on Twitter.

For those of you who have taken it, thank you SO much! You don't even know how great it is to have your assistance.
[For those who want to take it, here is the link:] Survey is now closed.

The most exciting part about the paper is how an interest, dare one say, a passion, is finally being used for a legitimate purpose. Social media, sociology, many amazing disciplines come together in the study of this "new" technology, and now everything that's been observed over the years, for no other reason than perverse interest, comes to fruition! Who knew that would happen? Certainly nobody here when, reluctantly, a Twitter account was opened four years ago in attempt to get a promotion to social media manager. And now...a research paper!

The paper is actually centered around the implications of social media use. Without getting too much into the specifics, the portions of the paper written so far (the literature review, mostly) deals with all the topics that the questions in the survey allude to. The data will be used to either contradict, confirm, or add to the research and topics discussed in the literature reviews.

It was an interesting experience creating the survey - there's more to creating a good survey than asking questions. And there's more to it than the amount of people who answer it. Luckily the assistance of a very good professor helped guide some of the questions in helping make them less leading and more open.

It's been more exciting to collect the data than anticipated too, and it will be fun to try to work it into a paper. This is the first paper involving methodology that includes public survey. Also, it's the longest paper yet, required to clock in at at least 20 pages.

This paper is due the end of December, the week before Christmas. It's undetermined if it will be publicly available here, as most of the papers have been in the past, but it WILL be available via request by anybody who wants to read it.

There are two of the five papers remaining for the semester, its crunch time.

It's almost been confirmed that graduation will be the end of Spring that pesky "What do you plan to do after graduation?" question could just find an answer. :-/

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