Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why we should not drill in the AWNR

We just won’t be happy until we use it all, or at least that is the way it seems. Those who argue for drilling in the AWNR won’t be happy until the entire world is a developed concrete jungle, containing no “icky” wildlife. Dwight R. Lee is one of those people. Lee does not seem to approach wildlife with an idea of equality, but instead values human life over anything else. At the same time he justifies the loss of lives in Middle Eastern countries to protect oil that is not ours, so ultimately it appears he values comfort, convince and money over life in general

Lee does not show consideration when it comes to sacrificing animal habitat and animal lives for the pursue of oil. He feels that “there is nothing wrong with making such sacrifices” when it comes to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, because “sacrificing a little more environmental ‘integrity’ [is] worth more than the necessary sacrifice”. Why must it always be the environment that is sacrificing something? People in the United States should sacrifice a day or two of driving, sacrifice by not buying that $30, 000+, gas guzzling heap of metal and steel, sacrifice by taking the extra seconds a day to recycle something. Instead of changing our lifestyles we choose to destroy something else and use lame excuses to validate it. WE choose to destroy our own habitat.

I don’t agree with drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife refuge, there isn’t enough oil there to make us happy. According to Lovins & Lovins there is “enough to run 2% of American cars and light trucks”, and that’s not even counting the ever famous gas guzzling SUVs. I don’t think that seems worth it.I don’t think it’s all worth the chance at one day having to standing back and saying “gee, we really shouldn’t have done that ‘cause now look how f*!^ed up the environment is.”

We have killed Mother Nature enough, at the rate we are going she hasn’t got long, the least we can do is make her comfortable by not raping her of her resources and adding her into our considerations.

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